Associations and organisations

Involved in a strong network

German Railway Industry Association (VDB)

The manufacturers of all products for the railway industry are affiliated in the VDB, such as the manufacturers of vehicles, control and safety technology or infrastructure, including their suppliers and service providers.

ZVEI – German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers´ Association

The aim of ZVEI is to represent the political interests (technological, economic, environmental) of the German electrical industry, both nationally and internationally.

UITP – International Association of Public Transport

The UITP is an international network that includes the field of public transportation systems. The network serves as a platform for the exchange of information for approximately 3,400 members worldwide.

bayme vbm

baymevbm represents the employers’ associations of the metalworking and electrical industries in Bavaria. Its main objective is the economic prosperity of its member companies.

baymevbm represents the joint economic, social and political interests of its more than 2,000 member companies and actively contributes towards shaping commercial and socio-political framework conditions. baymevbm supports its member companies with services in order to maintain and improve their competitiveness – in Bavaria, Germany, Europe and throughout the world.

FSF – NA 087 railway standardisation committee

The standardisation committee is essentially responsible for the following:
The performing of all railway-specific standardisation work in the field of vehicles, track and system-related matters with the exception of electrical and electronic applications
The representation of German interests in German and international standardisation, particularly regarding CEN/TC 256 Railway Applications

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