NExT Factory: Sustainable and unique factory concept at the high-tech location of Bavaria

Our new production plant is characterized by continuous emission-free factory operation, completely CO2-free production and a sustainable and highly efficient energy concept.

The NExT Factory is a CO2-free, new type of production building with an area of 22,000 square meters. The core element of the NExT Factory is the highly efficient energy concept based on an intelligent direct current network, which means that the plant produces without emitting CO2.

The Schaltbau plant will thus be the first factory in Germany in which the majority of operations will run on direct current. In the long term, the DC share should increase to around 90 to 95 percent.
The fact that the entire intralogistics is also supplied with its own, stored or recuperated direct current is considered a technological milestone in industrial energy supply. Thanks to the unique efficiency advantages that this power supply offers, the energy concept of the NExT Factory should pay for itself in just three years compared to conventional energy supply.

The name NExT Factory goes back to the visionary pillars New Energy and Work, Excellence in Processes and Technology driven brought together in the new building. Such a combination of sustainability ideas in relation to energy generation and use, work and production is unique in Germany.

All topics related to NExT Factory at a glance

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