Quality certification

Focus on quality with common goals and values

The customer is the main focus of our thoughts and deeds. Comprehensive quality management is the guarantee of customer satisfaction and therefore safeguards the long-term success of Schaltbau GmbH. We are aware of our social responsibility for maintaining the natural environment and act accordingly.

Quality certification: DIN EN ISO 9001

Schaltbau has been certified in accordance with ISO 9001 since 1994.

We do many things to safeguard the high quality of our products and services. This includes integral quality consciousness, which is supported by all of our employees. Schaltbau is continuously trying to improve its processes in collaboration with customers and suppliers. We have developed suitable measuring systems for doing this. Our quality management systems are continuously adapted to increasing customer requirements.

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Environmental certification: DIN EN ISO 14001

We have been complying with the requirments of ISO 14001 since 1997.

We are aware of our social responsibility for looking after the natural environment. Schaltbau has developed many measures for fulfilling this responsibility. This includes motivating all employees to protect the environment in an active and committed way throughout the company. Compliance with legal principles is a matter of course as far as we are concerned. Schaltbau also uses environmentally compatible technology wherever possible in order to protect natural resources. In order to ensure that we continuously improve our protection of the environment, we continuously monitor our achievement of the goals that we have set ourselves.

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IRIS - International Railway Industry Standard

Our plants in Velden and Aldersbach have been certified in accordance with IRIS since October 2008.

In September 2008 Schaltbau GmbH was audited according to the quality standard IRIS (International Railway Industry Standard) with a very positive result by the Bureau Veritas Certification. IRIS is a globally recognized standard unique to the railway sector for the evaluation of suppliers and their management systems with regard to rail vehicle engineering. IRIS is based on DIN EN ISO 9001, with railway-specific requirements added.

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Certification for adhesive bonding: DIN 6701-2

Since October 2012 our plant in Velden has been certified in accordance with DIN 6701-2.

Since October 2012 our plant in Velden has been certified in accordance with DIN 6701-2 – “adhesive bonding in railway vehicle manufacture”. The aim of this standard is to raise awareness in the use of adhesive bonding and guarantee the quality of the components produced. In accordance with this standard, manufacturers of railway vehicles or their components are required to provide evidence of a corresponding authorisation. In order to obtain this authorisation, the German Federal Railway Authority names a certifying body to carry out a company inspection including technical discussions. The following requirements had to be met:

  • Sufficient qualification of the company
  • Two persons responsible for supervising bonding operations
  • Required qualification of the supervisors involved
  • The bonding staff is sufficiently qualified
  • Constructive evidence of the class of the adhesive bonding is provided
  • Required work and testing instructions are available
  • Suitable working equipment is available

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Certification for welding of rail vehicles and components: DIN EN 15085-2

Since 2009 our Velden works have been CL4 certified according to DIN EN 15085-2.

Since 2009 our Velden works have been CL4 certified (manufacturers without own welding production) according to DIN EN 15085-2. Schaltbau could prove that it is qualified for welding rail vehicles and components in accordance with certification level CL1 as regards construction, procurement, installation and resale of welded parts. During February of 2015 the re-certification audit was conducted by DVS ZERT, the accredited certification authority, and successfully passed by Schaltbau without deviations.

Schaltbau had to prove that it could meet the following requirements:

  • Holding an appropriate welding licence
  • Employment of a technical supervisor responsible for welding matters (welding coordinator)
  • Application of organisational checks and controls, including work and process guidelines
  • Monitoring the suppliers’ ability to fulfil their obligations

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